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Amazed at how Seattle goes crazy if snow is forecasted. You'd think the world is ending.
Oh Rod B. How could you you have disappointed us all so.
Recovering from the family Hunt for the Christmas Tree. All kids and limbs are accounted for.
@toqi Be nice to your innocent co-workers.
@craw4d I miss Chi-Town
I saw orcas frolicking next to the ferry on my commute this morning. What did you see?
don't want to sleep.
Wife finally broke down to my constant begging for a D700. Then I spend two+ hours searching for one, only to be denied. Cruel World!
Thankful for a full belly and sleeping kids.
@craw4d I don't miss the early cold morning train game. But what's this? You have a Prius?
Is unsuccessfully lobbying his wife for a new camera. Doesn't she care about the children?
I'm flattered to be offered the SecState position, but I'm still holding out for SecDef.
Doctor offices make me angry. But having an iphone and free wifi makes it a little bit easier.
Spent 15 hours in bed recovering from sudden malaria-grade fever.
I'm withholding my vote until I get what I deserve: A candidate who promises cupcakes on demand (and a pony).
If loving Dido is wrong, my romantic-fem self doesn't want to be right.
Feeling every minute my age.
Wondering why the 80's ever had to end:
Moving three yards of soil doesn't sound like much, but my puny girl muscles are aching.
I am headache free for the first time in three days! Thank goodness for my box full of expired random medicine!


Biz Stone veen Maggie Mason Justin Williams Nick Douglas Scott Beale Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek adler GuildOfCritics Colleen Wainwright Emily Chang Hickensian Sandy Greg Storey rands John Gruber Cameron Moll Neven Mrgan teh_real_chock Anil Dash Rogue Amoeba Charles Adler Jason Santa Maria Jeffrey Zeldman Jeff Barszcz Sarah Austin Khoi Vinh Andrew Locke Elizabeth Chuck Dean Cameron Allen Darth Vader Joshua Green Allen Amy Jane Gruber
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