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@Franco_F Back at you Franco. Great to meet you too.
@Meryl333 What press? Fox News? Rush Limbaugh? Looking at NYT, WSJ, & Yahoo News and not seeing it. And no one bought Ayers either.
@Meryl333 Ignoring Atwaterian tactics is only way to combat them. Any engagement proves Bush's "angry liberal" moniker
@Meryl333 You are acting like Charlie Brown, GOP is Lucy w/ football. Let it go, focus of how silly Blago & his wife are
New Toad Stool post: iPhone Magic: So there’s a really amazing list of iPhone tips over at a..
@Meryl333 GOP knows how easy it is to rile up liberal Dems. It's the whole Atwater strategy
@Meryl333 I was referring to your tweets about GOP/Obama- no one is buying it and if you don't make a big deal out of it, it will fade away
@Meryl333 The more you talk about it, the bigger it gets. Let it go and it'll fade away.
Both NYT & WSJ had stories today re: families axing nannies. WSJ mom came off badly- chose Botox over kids.
@jaffejuice Casting a pretty wide net there, huh Joe?
@shelleyryan excellent. She's a great speaker.
@FreshPeel @mindgrub says your Pandora radio stations are searchable
Hanging after KickApos seminar with NPRs @marioarmstrong
Listening is key @sandycarter used "I Hate Product" FB page to learn. Then invited page founder to speak at conference. Very smart.
In other developments, NYT saying auto bailout seems unlikely due to GOP senate resistance
Panel discussion @sandycarter from IBM talking about ROI from tweeting conferences
Voice of America site built almost entirely w/ widgets says @mindgrub
@FreshPeel Not sure. Will ask during break
Didn't know Pandora opened up to SEO. @mindgrub talking about it now & his Voice of America case study


Noah Mario Vellandi Paul Isakson Sean Howard Aaron Rutledge Matt Dickman David Armano Drew McLellan Gavin Heaton Damiano Vukotic David Burn Greg Verdino Michael Lebowitz Chris Thilk Paul McEnany Anna Farmery Doug Meacham Chris Wilson darryl ohrt Scott Monty David Berkowitz Ian Schafer Chris Kieff Brian Morrissey CK Joseph Jaffe EAON PRITCHARD Ryan Karpeles Tim Brunelle Bill Green Tom Ajello Mack Collier mindblob michael kantrow Mat Zucker Mark Goren
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