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@Leicentious Mmmm, chicken grease + bathing. Ugh. KFC, home to the most dismal product in history, the "Holiday Fun for One" meal. w00t - With wine the night before, moving a 350-lb cast iron tub on a shovel down a luge-like path sounded like a goo ...
@MackCollier Or the self-appointed. I refuse to follow people who A) call *themselves* a visionary B) refer to themselves in 3rd person
Equal doses of ingenious and creepy:
Honestly, it can't be 11:30ish already? How is that possible? (That's rhetorical. I do grasp the concept of time.;-)
@knealemann Never compromise my beliefs/ethics/reputation.
@kenburbary I've only heard great things about Radian6! Best o' luck at the preso tomomorrow!
@leeodden That's wonderful news. I'm so happy for you. (I come from a cancer family, and know the worry...)
"Getting fit" has joined the list of most depressing clinical layoff euphemisms. Others? Offboarding, downsizing, made redundant. #yahoo
@zoonini Yes, terrible isn't it? Right up there with "rightsizing" and "human capital re-engineering" Make it bland so it doesn't offend.
My heart goes out to the folks at Yahoo. The language of layoffs is depressingly impersonal. Hat tip to @jowyang
@zoonini Do you have an example? I used to follow one person who just used to tweet his location every hour. I fixed that. ;-)
@amoyal Hey Arie - Great to meet you! Crazy snow day!
@jacoutofthebox Thanks!! It's not one of my favs either!
@jacoutofthebox It's lovely until they collapse. :-(
Retweeting myself! Do you have any fav or hated "Twitter phrases"? I can haz? Tweeps? w00t? @ me or DM me. Thanks! For possible blog entry.
@phillymac Bit of an in-joke really. I'm polling folks for fav or hated "Twitter phrases"? One DM was about chirpy good mornings.
@KeithBurtis Congratulations Keith!! Couldn't happen to a nicer person!


Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Nick Douglas Tara missrogue Hunt Jason Calacanis Chris Brogan julien Brian Clark Doug Haslam Jim Long Philip Campbell  C.C. Chapman Robert Scoble Douglas Karr Teresa Valdez Klein Kate Trgovac giovanni Iain Tait Sean McDonald Anil Dash Hugh MacLeod andy sternberg Jeremiah Jemima Kiss Tamar Weinberg steve o'grady Dean Cameron Allen sMoRTy71 Vero Pepperrell B. Bonin Bough Ryan Anderson Ike Pigott Ethan Kaplan Ken Schafer
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