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Trying TweetDeck for the first time. Really wish I could change the width of the columns.
Trying out a new (to me) iPhone / Google Calendar sync tool: Looks good so far.
Discovered ReGenisis on Hulu. Great show, and Hulu has 3 seasons up.
It's 5:00 somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean.
Thanks to all of 2 hours of sleep last night, today is made of fail.
M Audio drivers are teh suk. that is all
One disadvantage to moving my audio workflow to a Mac laptop: no internal RAID
...making me reconsider going to the coffee shop for now
April like torrential rain making n
I have apparently acclimatized to cold weather. My 72 deg apartment feels like a sauna.
@Tabz I was dissapointed with Fringe being a reapeat too.
Retweeting @JasonCalacanis: World of Workcraft -- genius!!!
@bsweichsel um...That's the wp-admin URL.
I find generic "Thanks for following..." auto DMs annoying. Makes me feel like I just joined a mailing list. Be creative or don't bother.
@maeganclark wel... Harry & Sons in Virginia highlands is good. RuSan at Tower Place is decent and gets quite fun when the owner is there
@maeganclark We do have good sushi, you just have to know where to look.
@maeganclark One of my favorites is a place called Haven on Dresden Dr near Peachtree.
@TSDivaDani My brother has a viola. I wish he would play more. He plays beautifully.


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