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Will eventually get to my computer today
Got to turn up 'Keep Hanging On' as if I had a choice...
New blog post: Thoughts on the Android G1
The Posies "Dear 23" might just give me cavaties.
@factoryjoe we run 100+ artist sites on drupal
if you worked on the yahoo drupal sites and got laid off today, dm me
@bhammerling I'd alternate though: sufjan stevens in the morning, grant lee phillips in the afternoon, and then jonsi birgisson in the PM
working from home this AM since I am taking Amy to an appointment at 11
time to turn off AIM offline messaging. Cute, but annoying feature.
Delayed onset muscle soreness is no longer delayed. Ow.
Trying to update flash freezes my computer. Why adobe, why????
@RyanMF it's meh. Didn't pass the wife test
Still wondering how this g1 even passed qa and qc
Make deliberate hires, not rash fires.
Apple products make you wonder why some companies are ok with releasing mediocrity
@Viss bad keyboard, bad battery life, shit build quality and a meh os. Would be fine if the iPhone never existed.
Time to temporarily unfollow people live tweeting leweb
oh, and the android G1 is kind of terrible. and by kind of I mean a joke.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Adam Rugel Evan Williams veen Xeni Jardin Ross Michael Ferguson om tedr Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale Dave Morin Jason Calacanis Derek Powazek James Walker Cal Henderson Colin Brumelle Mark Frauenfelder Veronica Belmont Boris Mann Emily Chang Andre Torrez Tom Conrad  Chris Heuer Andy Baio photomatt kris krug ian c rogers John Gruber Rex Sorgatz dotBen Hugh MacLeod
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