Ensuring Citizen Access to Government Information

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) establishes that the public has a legal right of access to government records and information, in accordance with principles of openness and accountability in government.

  • In carrying out the act from 2002 to 2006, agencies granted most FOIA requests in full, and the governmentwide numbers of requests received and processed grew.
    Highlights of GAO-08-344 (PDF)
    However, concerns have been raised about the quality and timeliness of agency responses.
  • Responding to an executive order, certain agencies made progress in reducing the backlog of requests, but key agencies have significant backlogs, such as the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice, and Defense.
    Highlights of GAO-08-344 (PDF)
  • Responding to citizens’ requests for information and reducing these backlogs are likely to continue to be challenging.

^ Back to topWhat Needs to Be Done

Congress recently amended FOIA to require agencies to include additional statistics in their annual FOIA reports, as GAO recommended.

Highlights of GAO-07-441 (PDF)

In addition, certain agencies (notably DHS) have made progress in decreasing backlogged requests, and the Department of Justice has issued guidance to agencies on developing plans to reduce backlog.

Highlights of GAO-08-344 (PDF)

  • Nonetheless, the timeliness of FOIA processing continues to be challenging for many agencies. Agencies will need to ensure that plans to reduce backlogged FOIA requests are developed and implemented appropriately, and the results monitored.
  • GAO will continue to provide agencies, the Department of Justice, and Congress with recommendations to help address backlogs and improve FOIA processing.

^ Back to topKey Reports

Freedom of Information Act: Agencies Are Making Progress in Reducing Backlog, but Additional Guidance Is Needed
GAO-08-344, March 14, 2008
Freedom of Information Act: Processing Trends Show Importance of Improvement Plans
GAO-07-441, March 30, 2007
GAO Contact
Portrait of Joel C. Willemssen

Joel C. Willemssen

Managing Director, Information Technology


(202) 512-6222