Laura Fitton’s Favorites

Laura Fitton
Pistachio Half-watching Mindwalk (lo res, tho) while I set up NetFlix
melaniward @Pistachio Don't believe everything you think
Laura Fitton
Pistachio We can't rely on hope. But, we must.
Laura Fitton
Lisa Ballard
BasilLeaf @Pistachio maybe this phone/address is out-dated?
Laura Fitton
Pistachio They have whole new words, expressions, gestures, perceptible new levels of awareness and comprehension of the world. Like it was 5 months!
Laura Fitton
Pistachio "if you're born a lion don't bother tryin to act tame"
JP Rangaswami
jobsworth 3 things I've learnt since 2001: 1. Listen 2. Stop believing that age equals wisdom 3. Get out of the way
mgreeley “Money demands that you sell, not your weakness to men's stupidity, but your talent to their reason.” - Ayn Rand
Laura Fitton
Pistachio Good stories tell us what we can be. Great stories tell us what we already are. I think the latter is harder to see.
Laura Fitton
Pistachio "All of us face crisis that throws us off track. As long as you remain true to your personal convictions, you'll get through."-Valerie Plame
Becka Couret
sistersnooze I finished a marathon
Doug Barger
DougBarger @Pistachio we can become who we already are inside and walk in that assurance outside!
chris horne
insidethegod @Pistachio the spirit of service, when genuine, lends to the the service of spirit... personal, business, gov.. let's raise the human spirit
Laura Fitton
Pistachio You can find them again. Drop by their page. Reach out. Say hello. Touch base.
Laura Fitton
Pistachio It's a slender, fluid, but surprisingly resilient, connection that's conducive to gradual acquaintance and to not losing track of someone.
Laura Fitton
Pistachio bookmarks:web pages :: twitter:people. ...A way to find your way back to, refer to, maintain some connection with.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams sara Sarah Milstein Krissy Bush Alissa Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman Mike Champion Gary Elliott Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski hans.gerwitz DocRob Peter Berg Chris Sacca Naina Redhu Matt Galligan danah boyd Mary Hodder Brian Walsh Rod Begbie seanbonner Xeni Jardin Colin Schlüter Wayne Sutton Ross caroline Beau om Dave McClure Brad Davis Seal peterme
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