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does Kat Richardson use twitter and if she doesn't...why not??
@scottsigler ok does anyone survive this dvd??
@Colleen_Lindsay SD Comic Con is one I'd love to go to but definately in for NY CC and Dcon this year so far :) cool you live next door
@Colleen_Lindsay aww boo. Yeah the writing and dark fantasy track are the only book related things though podcasting is getting in there
man comment spam bots are getting smarter these days...scary
@Colleen_Lindsay I peeked at your tweets :) DragonCon! I'll have to come say hi this year :)
@mark_henry *sigh* "speaks without thinking" ....see and i didn't even do that on PURPOSE
@mark_henry did i tell you that my indian name is "thinks without speaking"? no worries :)
200 words written...1300 more to go before bed (i will not just edit...i will not just edit)
@scottsigler you should do the "laptop" keyboard thing my friend did. Then you can write and workout at the same time :P
@scottsigler have lost a few lbs and quite a few inches though... :)
@scottsigler no iphone...blackberry but i do track. my metabolism doesn't like me :)
@scottsigler i wish my weight loss was as easy as you make it. i can plan to loose 500 calories and not see the scale budge


Elmo Katsushiro Sean Lindsay Chris Miller Nomad Scry Graydancer Podcastpickle sohma g. dawling Mignon Fogarty Sam Chupp JC-209 Adam Teece Evo Terra Steve Saylor Scott Sigler Brad Bowyer Jack Hosley Soulhuntre Bloggers Blog Writing P.G. Holyfield Derek Colanduno Wil Wheaton Rob @ podCast411 Sonja Foust Remember The Milk Tabz Matthew Selznick Mur Lafferty Jane L Nathan Lowell Encaffeinated ONE Megan Enloe Tatsumi Karen Syed
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