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Wow today was a great day in Seattle
@ a congrat on the gig at Digg
@planetnelson Love it thanks for the share.
@Dingo I hope you find the spot you want.
Well time to play some Halo3
@Dingo wow that is kewl to hear that more at MS are getting it when comes to recruiting
@partridge I love Photoshop more but Illustrator is very kewl.
Hell I am big toy lover. But why do people shot, trample and kill on Black Friday? There is no toy, game or item thaat worth that price.
Hannity and Colmes split up
@WiredPig IT is a good thing. CES has always been a work like hell week for me.
@WiredPig been heads down getting ready for CES most of this week.
@SpokaneDave Now I want to eat becuase of you
Your daily toodler logic lesson. First there were monkeys, then chimps, and now Humans. So this why babys come from the zoo.
Getting Down to Business with Skype
My father, George Wallace, and Barack Obama. By Peggy Wallace Kennedy
The same day, Sept. 15, McCain proclaimed: "I think, still, the fundamentals of our economy are strong." Palin and the economy killed Mac
On Sept. 15, Lehman Bros., having failed to convince the government it was worthy of a bailout, filed for bankruptcy. What Did McCain say?
My grandmother would have loved tonight!
Playing with live mesh
@peterurban where do you get the HD version of the Apple Keynote?


Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Krissy Bush Jason Shellen seanbonner om Chris MacDonald Mr Messina Paul Terry Walhus Brij Singh Scott Beale Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Chaitanya Sagar Chris Brogan Justin Kownacki Steve Woolf Veronica Belmont Jim Long Emily Chang Tantek Çelik Bre Pettis Leonard  C.C. Chapman Sandy Robert Scoble Michael Markman Ted Leung Major Nelson (Larry) Alex Payne Starbucks Coffee Anil Dash Loui Zoot Jeff Barr
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