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trying to write a post about working on @audiospike for the past month, but not sure what to say.
@jwilker I'm going to assume that I'm so integral to the 360Flex crew that I was included when you said 'we'. :-) In-n-Out = awesome.
pumping out some serious waveform analysis code today. feeling pretty good about it.
playing GOW2. Waiting for an online match takes so long that the XBox sleep mode kicks in.
finally relaxing at home and getting some @audiospike work done.
@ryanstewart I thought it was a little weird when you told me how much you loved the Jonas Brothers, but now Im getting the full picture :-)
twitter meet @audiospike, my new startup for audio (and possibly spikiness).
in San Francisco vacationing with the wife for a few days before MAX
@mesh @rhall I'm getting GOW2 today as well. Count me in for some multiplayer over the weekend.
@bit101 @bitchwhocodes so you guys are getting a mohawk next right? you know you want one. :-)
@jeremysaenz I'm doing really well. I'll try to push that video out in the next few weeks. Feeling stupid for waiting so long though.
@thillerson No. I've still got the footage, but I've been slacking on editing it together. :-(
getting my EC2 instance configured for Ruby on Rails and cooking up the next big thing. :-)
any suggestions on a new computer desk? I'm considering this one.
in Ogden, UT hanging out with the spatialkey team
FOTB was awesome! It was great seeing the flash crowd again, but I'm glad to be back home for a bit.
in Brighton for FOTB, checked my luggage at the hotel and looking for some breakfast... going to need a nap soon I think.
seeing if I can edit some 360|Flex footage into anything good.


Mike Chambers Ryan Stewart Chafic Kazoun dan mcweeney Mike Downey Steve Webster Daniel Dura Jordan Snyder Ted Patrick Peter Elst Keith Peters Josh Dura Sam Robbins Oscar Trelles Jesse Warden Kevin Hoyt Guy Watson Flex Framework Peter Hall Jun Heider polyGeek Sean Voisen Ely Greenfield Matt Chotin John WIlker Tom Ortega 360Flex Simeon Bateman Randy Troppmann Campbell Anderson Renaun Erickson Josh Tynjala Andrew Laffoon Jackson Miller Manish Jethani FITC