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Got to fly to LA tomorrow, so NOCTURNAL #38 posted early at - while you're there, get CONTAGIOUS #1, went up today.
Ah, there we go! Now it's fixed. Ahem ... CONTAGIOUS Episode #1 is posted for all at - enjoy!
It's a server-side caching thing. CONTAGIOUS #1 is visible to people who are logged in at, visible to all in 15-30 min
@no_e_Mahony: I guarantee the end of CONTAGIOUS is not anticlimactic. In fact, I highly suggest you buy it day 1 and read, avoid spoilers.
Hmmm, can't figure this out. Episode #1 of CONTAGIOUS at it up, but people can't see it if not logged in. Working on it.
@jtmanis: working on it, some strange permissions thing with the CONTAGIOUS category, perhaps
@Barely: I'm working on that this afternoon, recording NOCTURNAL #38. But that doesn't stop CONTAGIOUS #1. Dig in!
@jtmanis:, should be top of page. Try refreshing, or quiting out of browser and re-starting.
Finally ... another free podcast novel for y'all. CONTAGIOUS Episode #1 is up at - enjoy!
Wrote 4,000 words in NOCTURNAL today, have to record them tomorrow. Now on to marketing for the rest of the night. Whee!!!
@snarkdogg: You can find the CONTAGIOUS audio promo at
Man, blasting away today. Time for a DEAD SPACE break. Best sound on any video game I've played so far. Spooky!
What a day, what a day ...
@evo_terra: I find @veinarmor crude and offensive. Who needs to use such language in their stories?
@drtiki An earthquake caused by the TikiBar DVD release? Yes, it has that much gravitational impact ...
Just did a TRX workout. Holy crap. Then was rod it was "beginner class." Unholy crap.
Down to the finals of the Master Monster Hunter Tournament: Buffy vs. Ash - Who's the King/Queen of em all?
@BadAstronomer: Just eat your broccoli and nevermind your mark as read.
@amandachapel: Ahhhh, I see now. By "conversation" you mean "the echo chamber?" More like a circle jerk than a glory hole, in my opinion.


Jack Dorsey Brian Walsh Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Dan Patterson Dave Winer Elmo Daniel Johnson, Jr. Josh Hallett Mike Manuel l.m. orchard Rich Mark Frauenfelder Chris Brogan Chris Wilson Steve Woolf Bill Palmer John Federico Heidi Miller Dan York Jim Long Zadi Diaz Philip Campbell Jon Nials Alex de Carvalho Antonio Altamirano Brett Elliff Karen O'Brien  C.C. Chapman  Chris Heuer Eddie Codel d.w. Robert Scoble irina slutsky Katsushiro scott
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