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On December 20th, steampod will proudly present its first ever xmas story written by @dsawyer!
ironman was a cool super hero movie
@cnmoody yes, originally when I said I was #1 and #5, I was logged into gmail, which altered the findings. so I'm #2 and #5 :-)
Do you make music? I'm looking for 40 seconds of music.... can you help?
off to do laundry.... and other stuff.... interview with @evo_terra to be released today!
@Tabz great Tabz, your RT knocked blogworld off the web lol
I didn't get much writing done, but at least its something... hopefully more tomorrow
@boogah wish I was in that list lol
@LeStew glad you like my suggestion :-)
Of course, I should be writing, not searching up how popular I am on the web lol
Happy to say, if you Google "Chris Moody" I'm now the 1st and 5th results :-)
you can tell when you haven't worked on a story for to long, when you begin to forget the main characters names :-(
anyone know if Thunderbird can upload massive amounts of e-mail to a server?
anyone seen @evo_terra today?
@PhilippaJane cool, sorry I won't be able to see you in SF :-(
@PhilippaJane ah rats :-( I wanted CTB... not that I can afford it right now since I bought my shiny new camera, but still....
Can someone ask @philippajane if she still gets my tweets? I'd ask, but she doesn't respond :-(


Jason Cosper Paul Terry Walhus Chris Brogan Bill Palmer  C.C. Chapman Chris Miller Nomad Scry a'ight Kelly Les Zaldor Kevin MacLeod Mark Forman Podcastpickle Rob Suarez Jeff Keni Pulver MarkYoshimotoNemcoff blubrry MICHAEL MURRAY Adam Christianson Sam Chupp Andy Bilodeau JC-209 Mr. Crap Mariner Dave Delaney Twitter Jen Flanigan MB Clinton Jason Tucker Israel Hyman Steve Riekeberg Christiana Ellis Kris Johnson Kimi Shelly Brisbin Steven Klassen
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