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@KJToo Its cool. I would say its not for everyone but I dig it the most. Plus Spore doesn't like you, it told me.
Spore is awesome. Now that I can claim I did something other then play Spore today, back to playing Spore.
There is just something really awesome about a new bookcase.
Its finals week again. Econ and Business, what fun.
Happy times. Just got the call that my new HDTV will be delivered in about a half hour. Kick Ass.
Just placed an order for a HDTV. We need teleportaion already.
Still on the road to wellness. Fever is now no longer in the 100's. So its safe to say it was a fun and happy 4th of July weekend. Oh well
still sick but getting better. Hopefully I will be ok for the BBQ that we are having at my house tomorrow.
Trying to cheer my sick self up by shopping for a HDTV. Nothing like new tech to cheer a geek up.
So its coming to the 4th and prime cook out time and I am sick as hell. Damn you fever and general ickiness.
@KJToo I feel your pain. I love spending money on games that I will never ever win.
FedEx is the devil. That is all.
Off to go play some Arkham Horror. See you all in 4 to 6 hours.
One of the lows from post gaming Cons is seeing all the cool new stuff you got but now there aren't gamers everywhere to play with.
@Nycteris Yep. Now I have to wait from them to call me back to explain why they say I got my IPR order when there is no said package.
Here's something funny, FedEx Home delivery is closed on Mondays.
Home from Origins to find that FedEx has lied to me. My IPR order has not been delivered. FedEx you suck.
trying to find a topic for my academic research paper. Not sure what I want to write about. Ideas welcome.
Sweet, B-day brings a new 80 GB iPod!
Getting ready for the show tonight. After that taking a short break from theatre.


wil wheaton Paul Terry Walhus Kent Chris Miller Darth Vader Cynthia Armistead Podcastpickle Scott Kurtz Dragavan RareEdge Sam Chupp JC-209 Rachel Kris Johnson David Moore Jeff Greiner Doug Rapson Carol Evo Terra Scott Sigler P.G. Holyfield Rob @ podCast411 Mark Kinney Kenneth Newquist Daniel M. Perez Farpoint Media Live Tabz Jonathan Coulton Malcolm Reynolds Beatnik Turtle al Kilroy2.0 John Alpha Accidental Rob