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Played Blokus for the first time over the weekend. Awesome game. Love games that take 2 minutes to learn but are infinitely complex too.
If you don't let your browser save your passwords, you will be forced to type them, and will always remember them. Wish our users did this.
Increasingly frustrated with users who don't follow directions. Simple ones. That were in their email.
At work cleaning up after a system upgrade. "Did you use the link from the intranet and not the one on your desktop?"
Chillin on a Saturday with nothing but holiday decorating and friends' Xmas party later.
10 minutes to the weekend. Pick up the kid, and hopefully do the Xmas tree lights tonight.
All is quiet.
Deity forbid people actually arrive at work on time when they know others are out and I'm the only one on the help desk.
In a cranky mood this morning. Yesterday wasn't great and today does not appear to be much better.
"Jessica" by the Allmans up on iPod. Thinking about playing it on Guitar Hero. Painful.
Passive agressive mean people suck. That is all.
<Sigh> StrongBad and Homestar seem to be so "internet 2003" and it makes me nostalgic.
Drinking morning iced tea and deciding what music to put on... Dang I wish they didn't block streaming here
That's for a 1st Gen Touch BTW
Have Griffin Elan Convertible right now, but cover flips over and is a little cumbersome
Is there a case for iPod Touch that covers whole thing and has either slide/snap off/on front cover that stows on back when touch is in use?
At work, listening to Crowncast and dreaming of a cruise vacation in the Caribbean.
Adam Sandler Chanukkah song (2) up on iPod. Made me wonder what was up with the girls from Veruca Salt
Can't believe no one I know has mentioned this - BlogWorld and NewMedia Expos merged into one mega expo:
Who thought putting ads on a Tivo that's paused was a good idea? Oh right....some suit at Tivo who wants extra ad $$$. I say - crap!


Blaine Cook Maggie Mason Mary Hodder wil wheaton Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Chris MacDonald Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Josh Bancroft Dan Patterson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. Matthew Bischoff Justine   christine Rich Steve Dembo Chris Brogan julien Bob Goyetche kristen crusius drew olanoff Whitney Hoffman Brian Conley Dave LaMorte Heidi Miller John Wall Jay Moonah Becky McCray Veronica Belmont Jim Doug Haslam Jim Long Philip Campbell
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