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Night, all.
Back online. Also have Pretty Woman on in the background. NEVER seem to get tired of that movie.
Going to knit. Will be back to exchange banter in a bit. This means YOU, @VitaLuna and @Robin2go!
@Robin2go So don't Pfftt ME, girlfriend, since apparently we were separated @ birth Boynton fans. That drank out of the same cup. s.
@Robin2go well, you're not gettin' it from me now, that's for damn sure.
@Robin2go @JamieOber ...and when it's finally brought to light, you better cough it up post haste. No milking this forever and ever!
@VitaLuna Anytime! Come up if you have issues!
@Robin2go Then, by THATargument, we should SHARE everything. But Noooooooooooo.....
@VitaLuna If you have editing rights, you should be able to.
@VitaLuna You got it, Babe! We're here for ya!
@VitaLuna So the question remains: Wanna come over? House is not clean, but me casa es su casa.
@VitaLuna For goodness' sake. Wanna come over? Is the dog okay for warning you? Are the doors locked?
@VitaLuna Sent you an e-mail. Tweet or DM me if I was unclear. Pressed "send" before rereading. :)
@bevinhernandez Yes. The minute he turns 14.5. Then he won't speak at all, no matter how much you want him to. Trust me on this one. :)
Logged back on. Watching Edible Ornament competition on Food Network and entering grades.
@aprilsheninger Hmmm. Is there something we should know? ;)


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