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Made it to andra's work place in half an hour. Speed record! Man i love driving despite the traffic. Actually makes it more interesting :)
something AMAZING just happened! I'm so excited, can't tell what or I'll ruin it for someone but it's safe to say I find this awesome++
@Jymsym thanks jym, i really wanted to rewatch some stuff, and I wanted to show garyvee's performance to a friend :)
@JustinKownacki to quote a little funny image: :D mac are notorious for their inability to recover from hardware fails
had issues with my internet last night, just woke up feeling like crap, had a fight with andra... just one of those days I guess
Thanks to @Rex7, @empoor
meeting martianumotorizat for a brewski, it's been a while... and one of those tasty chicken quesadillas mmm
watching the XIII miniseries, I can remember the game was fun, all cartoony and such. Getting ready to leave and then enjoy a nice mocha
doing a bit of housekeeping. not my house but still, it's nice to help :)
@justcreative well that sucks but those aren't auto follow messages, they're spam. auto follow is when you follow someone u get one message
woke up, had the worst night's sleep in my life, been cold, been warm, had no space, had a bunch of nightmares (&1dream bout a new laptop:D)
@justcreative I think auto-tweets are a good idea but only the first time you speak to someone, thus when they follow. gives a reason2speak
@JustinKownacki haha, that's why I'm proud to own a PC :P all screws can be dismantled with a kitchen knife,and HDD,battery and DVD by hand
@GabrielRossi the english language is pretty complex: based on germanic, then a substratum of celtic, and some italic additions. now more
Thank you to @Tweet_so_wet
@GabrielRossi I do have a relationship with my tires, I love them when I'm slipping on a corner and the back wheels lock up and give tractn
Pleasure to meet @missusP, @ebay_guru
@Jymsym hmm it's recorded? where?


Justin Kownacki Starbucks Coffee Stef. kas / kath straub Kevin Rose Window Snyder Adam Curry Crazy Egg Wil Shipley Mihnea Miculescu Public Individual Dr. Ben Mack colorcubic SlideShare Alex Visa Jacob Cass jessicabowman KrisColvin alexalbrecht cwgabriel TweetDeck Thierry de Baillon Sarah Hudson Gennefer Snowfield FFFFIND Dora_Teculescu Max Kerning Gabriel Rossi Toma Bonciu ChadRutt mildfuzz Human Factors Int'l PrimaryWave Mr Tweet ux_media Iulia Serbulea