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@mrssjs - boys need milk
a day late, but chock full of yummy SQPN goodness, the news letter is finally posted
@Catholic_Hack just got twitter updates; congrats on the house; i know that just swaps one mental burden for another, but it's a good swap
Oy! I emailed you, so check your box. Yeah, I'm talking to you, SQPN Newsletter Subscriber.
stinkin' 2 year olds have passed along their stomach bug; more of the terrors of grand-parenting; at least it's a day away from the office
another SQPN newsletter out to test your spam filters
So, how does SQPN get content on Pandora so all the new iPhone owners can finally access the best in streaming catholic new media?
@MikeVersteeg didn't know you'd respond so quick so i sent the same question by email. sorry.
@MikeVersteeg what would be involved re distributor? know several folks that might be interested
a Kentucky boy podcasts from World Youth Day -
man, the things people drag poor Padre Pio into -
@Catholic_Hack that conference going to be stream'd? or any of it available later for viewing or dl'ing?
I'm testing Yoono !
@Catholic_Hack Joe, what browser and version of flash are you using? and what errors? i've fooled with it a lot this weekend
@macbarron you just need software to batch duplicate images?
@Catholic_Hack if you mean the feed from your blog and audio, I haven't received any updates in days
Mike, Greg's posting pictures of sitting on the porch being lazy. he NEEDS more work! ;-)


George Leite Marc Paul Camarata Firefox Roderick Vonhögen Greg Willits Jennifer Willits Fr. Jay Finelli Seraphim Beshoner Mike Versteeg Jeff Nielsen Greg Keuter Doug Mumphrey Fr. Bill Kessler Steve Nelson Colin Principe David Sweeney Evelyn Nicholson Karen Maria Johnson Mac Barron Jeff Miller Joe McClane Lisa Hendey Louisa Pittman NASA zina_rsn Fred Stemp The New Media Expo jeffliss dropio MarsPhoenix EWTN NASAKepler Fan LRO_NASA NASA