michael lambie’s Favorites

Chris Saad
ChrisSaad i have tears in my eyes
Tantek Çelik
t Congratulations Barack Obama! u gave us hope, we gave u an electoral landslide. Now, what's the next thing we need to do to save the world?
Douglas E. Welch
irina slutsky
irinaslutsky just got back from the worst day project20 so far. under hiway at cesar chavez. must have seen 500 or more used needles. 2 unused condoms.
Jonathan Grubb
jonathangrubb Major casualties from earthquake: collapsed, AT&T Mobile is flooded, Twitter holding up admirably. Go Twitter!
Jason Calacanis
JasonCalacanis convicted spammer escapes from prison, kills himself/wife/child--wtf is wrong iwth the world?
Lisa Brewster
Adora Trying to test a k-rad 12seconds hack to post to tumblr via yahoo pipes, roll slowed since I have to wait a damn hour for tumblr 2import rss
Gary Vaynerchuk
garyvee Huge news Chicago: BOOK Signing on 7/30 at of all places @threadless OMG!!! hope to see u!
Chris Darbro
rocknrollgeek Co-Worker brought me back grappas from europe. Sweet. :)
why the lucky stiff
_why "christopher cross this iced tea is delicious"
Loic Le Meur
loiclemeur If all goes well, I am closing a huge deal the upcoming week, that will change the future of Seesmic. Yes, we're buying YouTube.
andrea stevees
otterspotter hoping for more rain and morels
santagaryvee Santa is getting ready for a new OFFER! Get ready every1 & if u want to see what everyone got last time @ me with Q's
Michael Arrington
TechCrunch twhirl now supports friendfeed:
Mike Prasad
karen nguyen
misskaren my new chicken hat is epic. Brings all the boys to the yard
TheMuffin karate


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams rabble danah boyd Jason Cosper seanbonner Xeni Jardin derek dukes om kareem Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch J Chris Anderson Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Matthew Bellows the daniel Aubrey Sabala Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Cameron Walters lane Thor Muller Amy Muller Jason Fields Justine Joe Crawford Chris Brogan drew olanoff Chuck Olsen Steve Woolf
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