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@christoph Yeah, I know! Sorry! I am too excited to blog about it! Remember, never blog when too excited & pissed off :-P Have a good one!
And to make things even more fun, going offline now to enjoy the rest of the weekend heading to Las Palmas de G.C. YaY! Have a good one! :D
Boy, what a day! What a rush! What a rollercoaster! My beginning of a new biz/personal life just kicked off today! Can't blog it yet either!
Whoooaaahhh! Awesome Sweettt Conversations with @sweettt & @mastermark ! Thanks much, guys! Had a great time! Lovely convos! :))
Recording the Sweettt Conversations podcasting episode with @sweettt & @mastermark. Having way too much fun! Tertulia 2.0 FTW! :-))
Phew! Intensive morning catching up with things at work! Readying now for the Sweettt Discussions with @sweettt & @mastermark W00t! :D
That's it! Time to board again. Arriving late at home, going back online in the morning from the usual home office. Twitter ON!
@PeterSimoons Yes, and I am multi-tasking on a conference call, catching up with feeds, IMing as well. Geeez, totally Gen Y! :-P
@rahego Yes, indeed! That's the whole point and I wish other folks would start understanding it & move on :)
@petersimoons I don't think so, they are all frantically heads down typing like mad! One of them hasn't left his hands in over 30 minutes!
@dgarrido jajaja Después del día que llevo me hace sentir mucho mejor... jejeje Gracias
@rboccadoro Nope, we are all not disconnected, Bob. Quite the contrary. We all are! :-P
@thoughtfarmer W00t! Awesome! Buckman is probably one of the most impressive KM Thought Leaders & a source of inspiration. For sure!
Ouchie! Feeling a little bit like an outsider... From the 12 computers in this cafe, I'm the only Mac :-//
Tried to catch up with Twitter a few minutes ago ... Then, I gave up. It will come. Whatever it needs to come it'll come. Moving forward! :D
@prb112 No, it is not... we are all getting some juice before moving on ... and folks keep coming over! Way too funny!
RT @skemsley: Blogging: Build your social network before you get laid off <<< So timely! RTing along! heh
@rboccadoro Hey, Hey, Hey, Ciao Rob! Nope, I can't! I keep trying & keep failing over and over and over again! Offline 2.0 FTW!!
Whooops, make that 12 computers plugged into two sockets! hahaha Talking about innovation on power management. Ha!
@rahego @casasroger Y cada día estoy más y más convencido de ello. El flujo de conocimientos a través de la Web rulezzzz ;)


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