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@ChrisBakerWired Tell them to send me a tally!
Margaret Robertson is amazing and she *writes on our site*.
Funde Razor NY brought in just over $3k for Child's Play. If Denver bests us Crecente will cut his hair. (Or so I've promised.)
Heading out to the Village Pourhouse for Funde Razor!
@BenKuchera BBG and BBtv will be there.
@fauc Just bought my 10-year-old brother his first multitool for Xmas. Not telling Mom what it is. She's going to plotz.
@GeorgeDickel is my current favorite not-really-a-person Twitter user. Besides the TV writer breakroom terminal known as Merlin, of course.
Make sure you shift-refresh Offworld today if you want to see the special DOOM tribute.
Besides myself about the promise of sleep. Rarely am I this excited.
@BradMays ...a thing that is done.
@fauc And the answer is: The iPhone picked up everyone around the relatively small conference room just fine. Goodbye, voice recorder.
@fauc Transferring Chertoff interview recording from my iPhone to MBP using iTalk Sync. Am curious to hear how well the iPhone mic did.
Pudgy, middle-aged man on train sipping two Bud Lite cans from the cafe car, reading the Tucker Max book.
Posted a video review of a scrotum shaver on BBG. Now on my way to D.C. to interview Michael Chertoff. Thank you, Douglas Engelbart.
Traveling to D.C. tomorrow to do an interview and I am feeling like I'm getting sick.
You can feed a dog garlic.
@fauc Flip Ultra vs. Flip Mino HD review:
Bodega Economy Index showing turkey sandwiches up $.50 from last week, coffee up $.50. Free refills have been cancelled. Storm's a'comin'.
@fauc Rob, I guess that means you shouldn't trust IndyMedia for tech news. Or any news, come to think on it.


seanbonner Xeni Jardin Scott Beale Mark Frauenfelder Gareth Branwyn fake mat honan Andre Torrez Bre Pettis John Gruber Anil Dash Clint Ecker Jacqui Cheng Gord Fynes Dean Cameron Allen Erik Kastner rstevens Adam Clive Thompson mattbr Lux Alptraum hotdogsladies LC Angell Jason J. Thomas Matt Haughey Christ JC-209 David Jacobs halley hopkins John Biggs Lockhart Steele Karina Longworth Kathryn Hill jay smooth Harry McCracken Mathew Ingram Scott Simpson
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