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Now til the 25th, use Holiday 2008 Promo and "GIVESOUS-GET10OFF" in the upgrade field and get $10 off when you give SousChef as a gift!
Released SousChef 1.0.2: <>!
@tectonic You drove a mustang from Indy to here? :-)
@bryanduffie Err. I meant to say. Kill em all!
Hmm. Getting a SSL protocol error (-9800) on the first client call to read. Server thinks everything is fine. Used to work fine. Thoughts?
@wd425296 @bryanduffie Which is why you need to update twitter from your phone. At all times. Like every 5 minutes. Really.
@bryanduffie I fully agree with gun season being extended and bag limits raised.
Wanting an 8-core Mac Pro atm. Just had to clean/recompile SousChef and G%B twice in a row.
@Clarko Fashionable jeans in general are not particularly sturdy. Thus I asked for Carharts this Christmas.
@Curvyboom stegosaurus: herbivore, must have liked cookies.
@sjmadsen I agree heartily to that one.
Meh. Just tried upgrading my Core Duo MBP to 802.11n apparently I got a DOA airport card.
@chockenberry Squash soups can be amazing. The wife and I have been a fan since having a lot of "pumkim soup" in Thailand & Burma/Myanmar.
@tectonic Oh?!? When's that happening?
Anyone have any old PC100 ram laying around that isn't bad?
a) I hate outlook. b) I hate IE c) I hate windows d) I can't wait until I never have to mess with them again.
Kid #1 (almost 2yo, earlier today): "Right Back. Check computer. Check my email couple minutes." Amazing on how they do everything we do.
Jerkoffs doing donuts in the memorial park across the street. Called the po-po but they left before they got there. :-(
@Clarko Fieldrunners has been contributing greatly to my average bathrooming time.


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