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@cliffordheath someone was definitely watching the house - landlord's son was guarding other nights, but not last night.
moved house yesterday (4th home in a month), and friend's laptop stolen from old place last night. hoping police or locals will get it back
@drnic (and other QLD'ers) what dates are we looking at for RC5? Hearing both April and mid-March
@mattallen roro peeps + ruby + table tennis + pancakes + werewolf + GH + (arguably) beers = guaranteed awesomeness
@toolmantim and then you need to host jelly's there. I'd fly to Sydney *just* for that.
@cricketgeek ah, good to know it was all understandable :)
getting settled back at my desk on the balcony, pushing some through some work. Net's been flaky so far though :|
@godfoca when I have time to polish up some recent local commits and push them to github, shouldn't be too hard to manage sphinx.
@cricketgeek actually, I'm Australian - and yes, I wrote TS and Riddle (the underlying Ruby-to-Sphinx API)
Today's journey: bus from Bangkok to the border, then a taxi from there to Battambang. Going to take something like 7 hours
Back at the airport again - to Bangkok today, then overland to Battambang tomorrow. Looking forward to getting back to Cambodge!
@ninthspace ah, i really should get my hands on the first two - I play Seldom Seen Kid and Leaders of the Free World to death.
@jngo it did, i was just too fast in replying :)
@godfoca are you telling your code to 'include ThinkingSphinx'? otherwise surely the scope is different for the two... unless ruby's tricky
@godfoca rightio, i'll look into it and get it fixed.
@glenmaddern ah, i'm a bit new to them, don't think i knew of them last time they toured. i'll hold out for side shows, V is pricey.
@godfoca ah, well i should fix that then. don't suppose you've got a line of code for any errors?
i owe a lot of people emails at the moment. will try to get to them soon, but right now sleep is needed.
kinda tempted to pick up a ticket to V Festival in April - Elbow are playing! really hoping they do a solo show elsewhere though


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