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photos of people's cats and dogs EVERYWHERE gaaah
@strawpoll 1 songs from the 60s are not so fake and actually more entertaining!
about 200 gigs of hard drive on our production machines, and we're deploying on a partition that has less than 4. disk space fail
sometimes I'd like to think I'm training my team at work, but I'm just babysitting individuals. WHEN WILL YOU LEARN
@sweetperception from your tweets, I gather you are working in a questionably productive environment. seems like you need a change?
the only thing more horrifying than the spinning beach-ball of death is the non-spinning beach-ball of death
@ladyfox14 no, that was 2007.
"Mr. Starks, I along with many others tried Linux during college"
@CleverClogs I'll try to fix the updater in the next release, until then try
NO TIME TO DEPLOY THIS NOW gotta deploy from the train
to answer all your concerns: NO I'm NOT Slovenian now, I just officially live and work there until ... well, indefinitely
going really quickly to Slovenian embassy in Zagreb to pick up some papers. I'm official now
@Caged you forgot "sudo", dude
I've done so many important things today that I've forgot to do all the important things
@bojanjanjanin yeah it was this summer, much before I've decided to sell out for money and glory (and I hated being lazy)
stakeholders excited about throwing Monday demos == poor Mooslav working Sunday night. WHERES THE JUSTICE
@defunkt you would have thought, and then you find yourself hungry in an hour
1000th tweet
@jamis I think you're overreacting. we only have a problem with people who try to *develop* on Windows


Geoffrey Grosenbach Michael Koziarski Simon Willison Scott Chacon Dan Webb Andrew Dupont Chris Wanstrath PJ Hyett John Resig Justin Palmer rick Marko Dugonjić Miha Filej c3 Josh Knowles Sockamillion Rails Tobie Langel Josh Susser Jack Danger Canty why the lucky stiff Bojan Mihelac Matt Aimonetti Jamis Buck Pratik David Krmpotic Sam Stephenson Thomas Fuchs Foamee ladyfox14 Ryan Tomayko Sven Fuchs Jeremy Kemper Dr Nic kangax