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What a day. Thanks to everyone for your support. We're really excited!
We've officially launched Facebook Connect! Our deepest thanks to everyone that has worked with us towards launch:
@TechCrunch your Facebook Connect integration is absolutely KILLER! Your entire team did an incredible job.We're excited:
We're headed over to Le Web in Paris next week. Facebook Connect, Developer Garage, and Party. Join us!
Joost for iPhone is totally awesome. Huge props to @werdelin and team. #5 in the App Store in 3 days!
Just came home to the new issue of Monocle on my doorstep neatly wrapped. I love this publication and everything it stands for.
@loiclemeur thank you for the kind words! We are excited to be hosting a Facebook Developer Garage at Le Web next week.
Also a good article about Facebook Connect and the internet landscape here by @techcrunch:
If you haven't had a chance to check out the great article by Brad Stone in the New York Times about Facebook Connect:
A great New York Times article by Brad Stone about Facebook Connect just hit the wire. Check it out here
@anguslogan Looking forward to seeing you at Le Web! Will be good to catch up. What is the coolest thing going on in Redmond right now?
Planning for Le Web 2008 in Paris next week. Who's heading over? Interested in talking a more social web with Facebook Connect? DM me.
Back in San Francisco after an awesome weekend in the Redwoods on the Northern Coast of California. Now getting work done at The Grove.
Drinking tea and working on a rainy San Francisco day.
AT&T is making the world of billboards more social through Facebook Platform:
Early morning work session.
Back in the flow.
Checking out green product reviews on Huddler with Facebook Connect. Love it!
@daveschappell Facebook Connect is live and open to develop on. Check out the documentation here: http://developers.facebook....
Citysearch + Facebook Connect is absolutely amazing! The web is becoming more social:


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman Peter Berg Chris Sacca Matt Galligan danah boyd Jay Goldman om tedr Narendra Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Oren Michels Di-Ann Eisnor Aubrey Sabala Kulveer Blake Burris Kevin Cawley Brittany Bohnet seth goldstein Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Sanford B Dan Cederholm joshua schachter Stewart Butterfield Caterina Brian Sacca Cal Henderson
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