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Have neither eaten or exercised since Thursday - so today I am determined to get out of bed and out of the house.. Sudafed FTW
Managed to get out of bed, but it wasn't a good idea so I'm going back.
Up and feeling worse than yesterday.
@lawouach he has been doing a passable impression of having a hangover .. Maybe you're right :)
How do kids go from very Ill to eating jammy dodgers in 15 minutes flat?
Luis finally recovering only for me to discover @simon180 is regressing. Sigh.
@anandiyer thanks, I've done just that :)
Looks like we are off to hospital so Luis can have a drip :( :( :( 3 yo with a drip isn't a pleasant thought :(
Not 100% sure I should have come in today, but an excess of caffeine appears to be helping.
Flu. Ugh.
Getting really frustrated that local #bizspark partner doesn't know how to answer the phone or reply to emails. Guess I'll try next one..
Dentist painkiller has worn off and it huuurrrrrttttsss.
@bowbrick ridiculous in a too much bacon way, or not enough?
Todo: Code. Dentist. Code. Liverpool. Code. Eat. Code. Sleep. And I still need to slip some more code into the list. :(
@timalmond best tutorial you've found?I'll give it a chance :)
@timalmond If I can't have simple and elegant, I might just look at third party ORMs. I want something that works :)
Use Linq-Sql and possibly suffer later, or Entity Framework and definitely suffer now? What a choice.
They've privatised Postman Pat!!!!!


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