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@maiki That homemade or store bought?
Taking a peek at (Most talked about URLs on Twitter.)
Firing up Boxee for the first time.
Woo! Dreamhost just moved me to a new shared host and--unlike the old one--it has #git installed. Score!
Easy branching in #git FTW... AGAIN!
@Heathenmommy If I somehow smash through the part of my PHP project I'm working soon, I'll swoop in and join ya! :-) (Not likely, but hey!)
@Heathenmommy No no Supersecret Alt. No going out. No SL. Just coding. I think you're actually having a more enjoyable Sat night than I.
@Heathenmommy . . . (and if you believe that, I have an amazing Web 2.0 startup I'd like to sell you.)
@Heathenmommy . . . which, as coincidence would have it, I AM TOO.
@Heathenmommy Oh we all know you're on SL, but you're on SL on your netbook while dancing at the hottest club in your RL town. ;-)
I just dropped something like 95% of my web feeds. Ah. Feel better now.
Had lunch in Japantown. Now at home, writing yet more PHP.
(Just one relatively simple example.)
eg. [quicksilver trigger] > type-ahead match folder name > [tab] > ow > type-ahead match textmate -- Turbo burly!
I know I say this every few months, but dig deep into Quicksilver, Mac OS X people. So very useful.
@daverankin Ha! Thanks. And it's seasonal. Nice touch.
Speed coding PHP and playing Go via Git. Where's my nerd trophy? ;-)
Kicking off my first game of Go via Github. Mwah ha ha!
Just took a power nap on Berkeley Coworking couch. Wow. I needed that.


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