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Slow day at work. Not to complain (busy yesterday! @_@ Reading BONE. [Ramune]
Ugggh! This DVD image is taking an unusually long time to burn. Not even double layer! And then I gotta get more DVDs. Need sleep! [Ramune]
@scottfrye Any particular title that won you over? [Ramune]
Work today was brought to me by the letter R. R for RAAAAAGE!!! [Ramune]
Stumbled upon ANN's Anime/Manga list feature. [Ramune]
$9.39 total. Amazing. And the Blu-Ray can be found much cheaper than the DVD version for some reason. O.o [Ramune]
Well, at least my Live Action GeGeGe no Kitaro Blu-ray came. By far the cheapest Blu-ray I ever paid for. $2.50 not counting shipping. [R]
Finishing this wedding video I'm editing. Really wish I had a wind guard for my cam. -_-; [Ramune]
My Righstuf...stuff is still backordered. Seems to always happen when I order with them. [Ramune]
Reading the two articles on the Handley manga case by Carl Gustav Horn & Jason Thompson on ANN. [Ramune]
@doshdosh That's too bad. She TRUELY was ahead of her time. Factoid, Kiki's human measurements are based off hers. ^_^; [Ramune]
@animealmanac Prepare for lots of bubbles and people's avatars dancing. ^_- [Ramune]
@OtakuGirl23 LOL I'm just imagining a giddy girl playing in the snow for the first time. It's cute. ^_^; [Ramune]
Haha, excellent Anime News Nina strip today. XD [Neato]
@narutakiRT Be sure to line up extremely early if you want to go to your fav. artist's panel. What I learned at this years. [Ramune]
@narutakiRT That settles it. I'm going to NYCC again! [Ramune]
@bobomega Should prove interesting. Let us know how it goes! [Ramune]


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