Press Releases

Davis Votes Against Congressional Pay Raise Recommits to Giving Pay Increase to Schools and CharityJune 29, 2005

-- U.S. Rep. Lincoln Davis voted once again to block Members of Congress from benefiting from an automatic cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) that would increase their annual pay by $3,100.

"Like last year and years before while in the State Legislature, I could not accept a pay raise while people in my district are just getting by," Davis said. "To accept such increases while we are also facing record deficits is wrong."

Members of Congress automatically receive an adjustment unless Members themselves vote to block the increase from occurring. An attempt by Rep. Jim Matheson (D-UT) was made to offer an amendment to block the COLA, but was defeated by a procedural motion.

Despite Davis' vote, the House opposed the procedural motion by a margin of 263 to 152. Davis plans on sticking with tradition by donating his raise to various churches, schools, and charities.

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