Press Releases

Davis Supports Effective Reform at United NationsJune 22, 2005

-- U.S. Rep. Lincoln Davis took to the House floor recently calling for effective reforms at the United Nations. The United Nations Reform and Institutional Strengthening Act of 2005, introduced by Reps. Tom Lantos and Chris Shays, ensures the U.S. has the flexibility and tools needed for effective reform at the United Nations.

The Lantos-Shays substitute gives the administration the needed flexibility to work with other nations to achieve real UN reform. The substitute gives the Secretary of State the authority to withhold up to 50% of the United States' UN dues if certain reforms are not met. Reforms include calling on the U.N. to establish a code of ethics and requiring employees above a certain grade to disclose any financial ties and private sector contracts, so as to lessen the chance of improprieties in contracting and policymaking. Another such reform gives the UN's biggest contributors, such as the U.S., weighted voting on budgetary matters to ensure their money is achieving its intended purpose.

Attached below is Congressman Davis' floor speech in support of the Lantos-Shays legislation:

Mr. Speaker I ask to extend and revise my remarks.

Cordell Hull is the Father of the United Nations. His birthplace is located in the 4th Congressional District of Tennessee, where he served as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives. Mr. Hull received the Nobel Peace Prize as a result of his work forging the alliances to establish the United Nations. He had observed the failures of the League of Nations and as a result saw the unleashing of the horrible occurrence of World War II. I don't rise today to honor Mr. Hull, although it would be fitting to do so. It is my firm belief that the United Nations has prohibited a third World War. We today are at the edge of an attempt to undermine this viable world organization that has perhaps saved us from a catastrophic confrontation between the countries of the world.

As we debate these issues, six million souls of those whose lives were taken during the Holocaust are crying out for us to preserve this vehicle that has carried the message of peace in the world. The souls of tens of millions, both civilians and soldiers who lost their lives during World War II, are also being felt in this Chamber.

The United Nations has been an entity of the world that America has looked to as we
confront aggressor nations. I can recall as a boy that the young men from our community
went to Korea in what was called a "U.N. Police Action." The U.N. also played a major role after Iraq invaded Kuwait when the nations of the world came together to demand that Saddam Hussein and his army withdraw from that country and then authorized military action that successfully forced Saddam and his army from Kuwait.

After the September 11th attack, Congress authorized the President and the current Administration to invade Iraq if there was evidence that Saddam's thugs were a threat to America, possessed weapons of mass destruction or had been training the terrorists that attacked us. This Congress had confidence in the current Administration in their abilities to make decisions involving Iraq- and we gave them that authority. The Lantos Substitute puts us in exactly the same posture of confidence in this President as the Iraq resolution. The Lantos Substitute gives the President and this Administration the right to withhold funds if the leaders of the U.N. do not adhere to the concerns we have in this Chamber. It is difficult for me to see how any Member of Congress who voted to authorize the President to invade Iraq, and gave him and his Administration that authority would today show a lack of confidence in the Administration.

We need to be sure the leaders of the U.N. understand our disenchantment with many of the occurrences that have happened. But to cripple this viable world organization that has ministered to the lesser amongst us, fed the hungry, housed the homeless, clothed the naked, cured the sick, provided clean water and a safe environment for many in the world, is something America cannot afford to lose. Bear in mind my support of the U.N. will never include letting the United Nations impose- in ANY way- on the sovereignty of this nation as our Constitution declares.

I encourage the adoption of the Lantos Substitute.

Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time.

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