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@KeatonTech How much snow did you guys get? -- check out that iPod touch ad... it's amazing!
These computers are on desks as tall as the students. We're sitting on desks, with the keyboards on our laps.
Playing with Comic Life on Windows, at school. Yes, it's actually installed on every computer in our school. Nice work, @plasq!
Interesting post by @marshallk about the Chrome EULA changes: I didn't know there was an age restriction...
Marking some newsletters as spam because they do not allow me to unsubscribe. #idiotsontheinternet
@marcusnelson Ah, good point! It's almost freaky how easy the OpenID experience is with @uservoice, haha.
@marcusnelson handy, and a super cool way of doing it! How secure is it, though? Can't I setup any email addy at my OpenID provider? :/
@uservoice How do you guys pair the OpenIDs with existing accounts automatically? By email address? Either way, it's super cool!
@al3x See VLC => Preferences => Audio => :)
Okay, so I was off by 20 minutes or so. @LittleSnapper 1.0 is out!! -- congrats guys!
I sense something will be happening in 2 minutes over at and @LittleSnapper.
Hey Google, for those Apps accounts that have opted-into experimental features, can we have those Gmail themes already? kthxbai.
@atariboy Is it Gizmo, SJPhone, or XLite?
@danbenjamin - -- complete with network error messages! :P
@wordpress 2.7 (final) is coming out extremely soon, it seems. r10187 changes the wp_version to 2.7. :D
Note to self: Google then Tweet.
I set up a custom keyboard shortcut for minimizing windows -- a few days later, it's just magically gone. Why?! This has happened 3 times!!
"Fixed in Beta 7 - LittleSnapper now works :)" Hahaha.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams sara Alissa Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Jason Shellen Buzz Andersen Lane caroline Manton Reece Narendra Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale Jonathan Wight Josh N. Dave Morin Jason Calacanis Glenda Carlos Granier Dan Cederholm Justine Alex Hillman Chris Brogan drew olanoff Jay Moonah Veronica Belmont Brian Clark Doug Haslam Emily Chang
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