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RT @SIX15: WordPress 2.7 is out:
Lol, was just moving around my laptop while burning a cd, guess I was too abrasive, the disk coastered. FAIL.
@bradjward I have a related post to put up at later tonight, just have to finish it up. No time for video 2day.
@rolaine Feels like it needs some pizazz doesn't it?
@stomer Nice work! Clean and Simple. IMO 1.1em tho. ;-) Keep up the great work @alznto
Lol our campus map has been online for 5+ years and someone just noticed a building was flipped in the wrong direction. Totally fooled me.
@bradjward Entourage is a joke! Mail all the way!
Why is Facebook insights two days behind? Arg! I hate lag.
@rachelreuben @jcollier @KarlynM It is institution dependant, no doubt. I know a few down the street that are ultra strict about their comm.
@KarlynM Very true. Guess I was thinking of small institutions as being more agile and administration willing to adopt w/less upfront
@travismillward Im Associate Director of Web Communications at @waynestate, @eduguru blogger and host of @educheckup , you?
@rachelreuben Not saying it is not possible (we do it) but u have to have atleast a loose set of standards/goals to back up everything u do.
@rachelreuben Thanks for the response, I agree. At a small univ @kylejames might work great but at a 33,000+ u need to be strategic.
Wow. Obama's speeches are already making it into electronic songs? That was fast.
RT @randyjensen: 1tb external drive on newegg for $125
So what does it look like when an episode flops? Check it out @educheckup today only got 4 views. You guys want guests?
@binkette55 For sure! Looks like you just tipped over, 101 now :-)
@mossjones Who are you? What are you about?


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