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@h0bbel no matter what they say, it really doesn't hurt that bad.. go for it!
ready to party with my law enforcement peeps
Got another run in this morning ... and now it's time to clean the house before someone calls the health department.
@maoglone: woohoo, thanks! :)
@cjdavis: your secret is safe with me
Time to run again.. yay?
@funkatron congrats on the SXSW gig! You're such the hipster.
sippin' hot chocolate and finishing up my Christmas cards. Feels good to get into the holiday spirit.
@shep scary thought, isn't it
I am now following 2 people named Chris J Davis. Weird.
@Caseysoftware of course we are laughing with you *cough*
@Ramsey we'll keep your seat warm
@agilous maybe you should be ready for an intervention
The second day in a row for my pointy boots, and thinking about maybe putting on lipstick. OMG I might be turning into a girl.
oh hai @tobySen! Welcome to Twitter :)
@kmacke like @hellogerard I wish you the best with your prescribed course of action. I'm sure you'll keep us posted... with pics.


Evan Williams David Barnes Heilemann Alex Payne Chris J. Davis suʍoq ɹǝɥdoʇsıɹɥɔ Nigel James Chris Ainsworth Ed Finkler Jeremy Zawodny Randy Walker shep vluther Kevin Rose Matt Kern Aaron Forgue Eric Jackman Twitter Aaron Brazell joshua may Chris Jones dave menninger Owen Winkler Scott Barron Jan Lehnardt Sam Funk Lauren Cooney Marcus Whitney Felix De Vliegher Rasmus Lerdorf Andrei Zmievski Christian Mohn Brad King Wil Wheaton Paul reinheimer David Thomas
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