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Whee, brand new Apple wireless keyboard. =) Sure, it's more likely to die on me, but I kinda like not using up a USB port for it.
I can understand my old MBP not being able to handle HD video w/o lag, but there's really no reason a 40MB HD video should be lagging now...
Canada Post delivers on Saturday now? Whaa?
Wow, this video is amazing. Totally makes me want to get back into Forza 2 and grab my last achievement.
There's nothing like losing a huge assignment the night before it's due. Can't for the life of me remember what I did with it...
Just did an english assignment on Need for Speed Carbon - ProStreet. Had to reword "fucking pieces of shit" numerous times. =/
"Hard" rebooted the MacBook Pro four times in the last five minutes, Finder locking up. Think I may just need to take it in for service. =/
@justinlaramee Yeah, no doubt. Xbox 360s too, every few months it seems they decide I deserve a new console. :p
Good news: iPhone is working again. Bad news: re-install doesn't seem to have fixed the MBP. Crud.
Full bars with 3G service and I can't connect to a single website. Stupid Fido/iPhone. =(
Would really like another pair of V-Moda Bass Freq headphones right about now. These iPhone headphones suck at full volume.
@jessedyck Assuming you're using Address Book, do you have "Contacts" selected in System Preferences > Spotlight?
@mboylan 20GB if you don't allot anything to iDisk. ;) It's not storage I'm after, simply archival. If I stop paying for MM, it's all gone.
@mboylan That said, I think I'm gonna attach my to Gmail and move back. When I get around to it, anyway.
@mboylan 06-07 = Mail. Stuff prior to 06 (moving to .Mac) is in Gmail. Stuff prior to Gmail's launch is in Hotmail. :p 2007+ is kept online.
Whew, recovered 8000-some emails dating back to May 2006 (thank you Time Machine). Now to figure out what else is missing.
iTunes Complete My Album feature is spotty at best... But listening to Freedom anyway. :)
Well, got it working third try by using Migration Assistant instead. Except I'm missing about 10,000 emails (for starters)...


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