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@AroundHarlem oooh cant wait to see that thanks i wanna do soft light filter on two soft chairs with nice music and mugs of tea
ars electronica is going? is that right @clint ?
@fogfish who she intrv ppl for?
@kingsoul dont front, i TOLD you. lol did you get a HOUSE and didnt tell me? lol
i really really hated that jackie martling episode, i ran away from him, i would NEVER talk to him again he's horrible sad man
and i kinda wanted to arrest Jackie Martling 4 sexl assault here
now, for a little taste of ces SLUTSKY STYLE
@Chuckumentary hahahah u know my ROOOM will be the hax0r hotel inside the lux0r hotel lol
@AroundHarlem i liked whne barbara asked mariah "whats it like being bi-racial?"
@AroundHarlem u rock twice. thrice! will he do a fun neo-barbara walters sit down? lol
who is going to CES? i will be stayin' at the LUXOR.
hehehehehe "@mchammer is now following you" omg omg omg omg
@adariostrange well, now that you mention it CHRIStiAN BALE can pull of anything. ANYTHING. did u c that 1 where he got dead skinny?
20 seconds of good
@adariostrange but dont u think suspending disbelief more than 3 times is NOT allowed!!!! thats what went wrong with heroes!!!!!!
how is babby formed
@lonelysandwich no way, you're gonna stand pee before the day is done
everything is better with a little law and order sprinkled on it
@melissagira i'll do it and we should video tape it lol


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Steve Jenson Blaine Cook Buzz Andersen Mary Hodder Brian Walsh seanbonner tedr Andrew Crow adam JD michael lambie Scott Beale President Monteiro Blake Burris Jackson West mike k Cameron Walters George Kelly lane Glenda Keith Williams Robert Brook Thor Muller Cal Henderson Pete Prodoehl Amy Muller Stephanie Alicia Ben Brown drew olanoff Brian Conley Chuck Olsen
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