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Dark fiber in my development for five months now. Did you misplace the "turn on FiOS" switch, VZW? :(
@claytonblackham: no, I'm following along from the outer fringes.
@saschasegan: what?!? You mean that song titled "When I think about you, iTouch myself" doesn't confirm the device? :)
@TaxMan45 : no can do yet. I'm happy to buy from Amazon on my computer and sync over later. DRM-free trumps instant gratification. for me :)
@foofy: just give in and get an iPhone already. ;)
Clearly, being married is keeping me young. I'm 39 and just got carded at Fridays for a glass of Shiraz.
At my step-daughter's first gymnastics competition. West Chester, PA. Found some new WaWa's on the way. :)
@mikelberger : 95% R the same. But 5% differences are key & dictate which is best for you. Wind, Sam NC10 are my faves: good batt & keyboard
@Gartenberg Should work quite well. See: I'm still not sure OS X is optimal on 1024x600 tho.
@adoeak : Sweet! If you've got WiFi but no Ethernet, I think that's a win. It was the other way around for OSX on my Wind.
@adoeak : saw that you have OSX on the S10. Working good? Anything not working? Have fun with it! :)
Black Friday & my new bride is at the Social Security office instead of stores, just to change her last name. Probably no good deals there.
Setting up new 2.4GHz MacBook. Had a 60 video chat over Skype and watched HD trailer for the new Star Trek movie. The fan NEVER kicked on :)
Amazon's MP3 store is hitting my wallet on a daily basis with their one-day specials. Meiko's debut album is $1.99 today.
@benz145 : I think it's the same as my super secret Twitter ID. If not, then my e-mail addy.
@foofy : that's why I swear by WaWa coffee and sandwiches! :)
I'm playing Chess with a blog friend on my iPhone. She's in HI, I'm in PA. It's turn-based, but free. Frackin' awesome!
@steverubel No luck for personal or work accounts yet. Maybe the Gmail fairy will enable them overnight if I put my mouse under the pillow?
Have to work from a Toyota place this morning. 50k mile service on the hybrid already. Sheesh!
@claytonblackham : I'd pay $6 for iTunes to never have that deal again. ;)


Josh Kopelman Xeni Jardin om Jonathan Greene Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Josh Bancroft Frank McPherson Kevin Cawley palmsolo Bjorn Stromberg Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Chaitanya Sagar eric L drew olanoff Bill Palmer Brad Isaac Jake Dahn Robert Scoble Marc Orchant Kevin Lim giovanni David Chartier Anil Dash unknownX2 Brad Brooks Scott McNulty Phil Ferris Rodfather Paul J Manoogian Jordan Running the Domestic Diva Steve Holden Ng Wai Mun Jamie Wright
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