Department of State: Human Capital Strategy Does Not Recognize Foreign Assistance Responsibilities

GAO-07-1153 September 28, 2007
Highlights Page (PDF)   Full Report (PDF, 46 pages)   Accessible Text   Recommendations (HTML)


The Secretary of State has made foreign assistance a pillar of the department's Transformational Diplomacy Initiative and has sought better policy coordination, planning, and oversight by establishing a Director of Foreign Assistance (F Bureau). Even though the U.S. Agency for International Development has been the principal agency for development and humanitarian aid, the Department of State (State) has had a significant role delivering this type of assistance. Thus, it is essential that State have the right staff, with the right skills, in the right places to carry out its foreign assistance management responsibilities and ensure that U.S. funds are well spent. As requested, this report (1) describes the size and scope of development and humanitarian foreign assistance programs managed by State, (2) describes State's approaches to managing and monitoring such programs, and (3) evaluates State's processes for determining its human capital requirements for managing these programs.

In fiscal year 2006, State had about $4.7 billion available for development and humanitarian assistance activities, nearly double the amount it was responsible for managing in 2000. This funding supported, for example, programs aimed at alleviating poverty and the suffering of refugees, as well as funding international drug interdiction efforts. State primarily uses grants and cooperative agreements to deliver this type of assistance. State manages its development and humanitarian assistance programs centrally, obligating about 80 percent of the funds and making awards from headquarters. State uses a variety of oversight approaches. Grants officers and grants officer representatives have formal oversight responsibilities, but other staff also carry out functions informally. A mix of headquarters and overseas staff monitor program implementation. State's strategic workforce planning does not reflect its foreign assistance activities. A key principle of strategic workforce planning is to define the critical skills and competencies that will be needed to achieve current and future programmatic goals. State has not defined its staff needs to manage and monitor its foreign assistance programs and has not collected critical information on current staff with these responsibilities. Moreover, GAO found inconsistent training and skills requirements for staff involved in foreign assistance oversight. For example, grants officers--who are responsible for the legal aspects of entering into, amending, and terminating awards--must meet educational and training requirements, while grants officer representatives--who are delegated some monitoring responsibilities--do not. Further, a recent State survey suggests that Foreign Service officers overseas recognize that there is a gap in their foreign assistance management skills. Various State officials have concerns about the department's ability to effectively manage its development and humanitarian assistance. Finally, State has not used strategic workforce planning to align F Bureau budget reforms with staffing and skill requirements.


Our recommendations from this work are listed below with a Contact for more information. Status will change from "In process" to "Implemented" or "Not implemented" based on our follow up work.

Jess T. Ford
Government Accountability Office: International Affairs and Trade
(202) 512-4268

Recommendations for Executive Action

Recommendation: The Secretary of State should take steps to define the skills and competencies the department's employees need to manage foreign assistance responsibilities, including developing information on the number and type of staff who are currently managing foreign assistance programs, their roles and responsibilities, workload, experience, and training.

Agency Affected: Department of State

Status: In process

Comments: State agreed with the recommendation and as of January 2007 was preparing to define critical skills and competencies needed by all of its employees managing foreign assistance.

Recommendation: The Secretary of State should develop a strategy to address any gaps it identifies.

Agency Affected: Department of State

Status: In process

Comments: State agreed with this recommendation and is developing strategies to address gaps it identifies as part of its analysis of key skills and competencies.