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@cracksh0t what no love for the Muddy Buddies? :(
working on Atlasssss...and listening to radio espanol!
Feast your eyes on the Super Guppy, kidz, the craziest flying contraption ever to bloat the skies:
bring out yer dead! How many peeps we gonna kill in the Ultimate U today?
@eliopoulos eating from a hedgerow. how daring
the grind is over! leaving office...zzzzzzzzzzz
there be ultimate books going to the printer! Yessir, they are goin'...soonish...I hope
face is dry as the Sahara. Darn you winteriness! (but thank YOU chapstick!)
bucklin' down with the iPod. I WILL conquer this holiday email!
I have brain freeze...but without the popsicle. Weird.
back from the land of the Inca.
I've written PASSPORT on my hand lest I forget and the authorities keep me from coming back from vacation. On second thought
pulling hair out. must leave office


Lori White CNN Breaking News Danielle Corsetto Barack Obama BrianReed Rich Johnston Warren Ellis Marc Strom Jordan D. White MikeCosta Todd Nauck neilkleid Geeks of Doom-Dave3 James Viscardi bschell Mitch Breitweiser chris eliopoulos alyssabfrank john siuntres lizspangler natty_diener Jim McCann C.B. Cebulski stephanie_h RichGinter MikeMalaney arune David Lafuente Brian Caltabiano Marvel Entertainment Tim Dillon PsyMag Jeff Suter Jim Nausedas Mike Deodato, Jr.