B-240925.2, Jan 15, 1991, 90-2 CPD 39

B-240925.2 January 15, 1991
Full Decision (HTML)  


Contracting agency was not required to acquire and furnish to offerors the incumbent contractor's software that was used in maintaining government data base but was not required for contract performance. Solicitation for cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for technical resources and support for cancer chemoprevention research is not defective where agency furnishes such information as is available as to its minimum needs and offerors are given sufficient detail to be able to compete intelligently and on an equal basis. IVI contends that the specifications are ambiguous or otherwise inadequate to assure competition on a common basis. (2) surveying the Master List of Chemopreventitive Agents and other sources to identify chemical agents which are candidates for further evaluation (workstatement B-6).