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With DELTA Airlines sending out email marketing with subjects like "Let‚s celebrate the season" its no surprise people are losing their jobs...
@casspa Check out Brian Gardner's Revolution Series of Themes
TIP: When using a boilerplate to reply to a job posting, take the time to make sure the font sizes match when cutting & pasting response
@joyengel might I suggest FedEx Custom Critical White Glove Serices
Curious as to why people with nothing but IT experience on their resume apply to a sales & marketing position that requires sales experience
@joyengel depends whether or not you pack it in ice ;-)
Awesome, my last twitter post was an excellent example in how to misuse hastags.
Top factors to consider when replying to a job posting: #1 USE SPELLCHECK and #2 DON'T FORGET TO ATTACH YOUR RESUME!
Job Posting: Phaseous is looking for a Business Development Director
Catching up on things as I've been largely unplugged for the last 24 hours.
This is the most popular time of year to have your credit card # stolen - check your statements....identity thieves begin small and ramp up
@ErinNorton - if by best cheap you mean FREE, check out ACAJOOM - - a (potentially) free add on to joomla cms
Very impressed with Leopard's Archive and Install. Not so impressed with AccountingEdge Network Editon MYOB
What's with the new YouTube embeded search in embeded videos? Not cool. #youtube
RT @PressReleasePR Top 10 Twitter tips and tricks you might not know about
RT: Should you just yell fire when violently attacked? @erinweed
Note to self: do NOT change titles on existing FeedBurner feeds without checking if the actual feed URL changes....grrrrr
When you know you're a geek: whenever I see references to "Entourage" I think people are talking about the MS Office for MAC email program
If you've experienced trouble deleting IMAP mail messages on the iPhone since the 2.2 update check out
Checking out Google's new Search-Based Keyword Tool Beta


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