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@momsthegeek @ehooton it does looks cool. I can't wait looks awesome
@walkblind i need a day thats not busy. just one ;)
Folding Laundry
@ShempLabs its a widget library that enables you to add opensocial stuff to your website easily
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@giobautista i've just started to worry only b/c i just turned 28 a few weeks ago and someone asked me if it was a "milestone"birthday LOL
@McCarron not soon enough. i'm not a football gal so winter is no fun for me :(
@trav1sty only $8,500 someone i killed i guess. i got nailed by a bunch of people who are over lvl 300 LOL. oh well
Updating my twitter photo since someone said I look like i'm 14. LMAO. Should I be flattered?? <3.
@trav1sty lmao someone hitlisted me :((((((
@frumpa i also noticed those grippy things on the side aren't attached very well and are always sliding around and misplaced.
@frumpa they are SOSLOW to respond to email and now I have to pay to ship it back to them, and then wait for them to send me a new one.. eh
@frumpa all day long... it stops my headphones from working when it pops up, and then if i hit yes accidentally it turns on airplane mode
@frumpa I had the same issue, when I called them up they told me how to reset it. Now i get this irritating "not made for iphone" popup
@stephenchan and yes i love love love me some gadgets, especially pink ones
@stephenchan yes it is :). It's about designing user interaction so it doesn't HAVEto be web based, but currently it is for me
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