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Searching titles, summaries and other information about our publications.
Showing 1 - 10 of 270 results Sort by: date | relevance «previous next»
Water Resources Planning, Management, and Development: What Are the Nation's Water Supply Problems and Issues?
CED-77-100, July 28, 1977
Food: Food Related Reports Issued From January 1977 Through December 1979
111789, January 1, 1980
Report on Columbia River Basin Water Resources Development Program, Corps of Engineers (Civil Functions), Bureau of Reclamation, and BPA, for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1956
B-114858, December 30, 1957
Analysis of the Process of Authorizing Water Resources Projects
CED-78-41, January 30, 1978
Corps of Engineers' Falls Lake Project Near Falls, North Carolina
B-179826, June 10, 1974
Water Resources: Corps' Management of Reservoirs in the Missouri River Basin
T-RCED-94-43, October 11, 1993
Water Markets: Increasing Federal Revenues Through Water Transfers
RCED-94-164, September 21, 1994
Water Subsidies: Impact of Higher Irrigation Rates on Central Valley Project Farmers
RCED-94-8, April 19, 1994
Program for the Surveillance and Inspection of Domestic Water Supply Systems at Recreation Sites
092449, October 31, 1972
Rural Water Projects: Federal Assistance Criteria and Potential Benefits of the Proposed Lewis and Clark Project
T-RCED-99-252, July 29, 1999
Searching titles, summaries and other information about our publications.
Showing 1 - 10 of 270 results Sort by: date | relevance «previous next»


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