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Still on the couch. Still supremely sore. Dear body: truce? No, really.
Thank you Google for deleting that Google Apps account without telling me.
Woke up to seering pain, like I ate a bag of knives, so back to bed for me per boss' orders. Hello Tuesday.
Dinner, lights untangling and then finally tree decorating.
@jeremyboles Done and done. Please send to Wishingline HQ :P
Dear AirTunes. There's a streetcar outside waiting for you. Do please walk in front of it.
The only reason I put up with this winter crap is for the hot chocolate. That's what I tell myself at least.
@carywood Too late! Let the wheezing and coughing commence :(
Trying to find second wind in time for a holiday party full of kids...
@SharaK don't rub it in... That's just not nice :p Also, send parkas!
Family trip to Ikea. It must be Saturday.
Finally got around to buying a copy of "Organizing our marvellous neighbours" (
More coffee will be necessary.
@kfinlayson Indeed. Now, where's the water ;-)
@fyang Is now my HERO and has the photos to prove it.
Drank 3/4 of a bottle of 12 yr old scotch tonight plus beers. Will be hurting tomorrow. That is all.
@luxuryluke I didn't know partying by myself on the couch in my PJs, shivering and hacking my lungs out counted :P
Saying hello to the beginning of Way Too Many Holiday Parties Season™. Not. Over. Soon. Enough.
Super excited that George LPs are now officially out for manufacturing. Can't wait for some of that 180gm vinyl goodness.


Dunstan Scott Fegette Jay Goldman Mr Messina David Crow Dan Cederholm Lisa McMillan Melyssa L. Justine Keith Jeremy Keith Hickensian Erik Garrett Murray Patrick Haney Natalie Wilson Miner Neil Bruce Lee Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Simon Willison Josh Williams Beep. luxuryluke Snook Jeff Smith Neo Geek Adam Keys Garrett Dimon Nathan Borror Dan Rubin Veerle Pieters Mark Bixby Warren, Mr. Warren Steve Smith Brian Fling
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