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a lot of people are "just sayin" on Twitter. Just sayin. (see what I did there?)
I see a feature in Google Calendar - Sync with Apple iCal™. When did *that* get there!!?!?
confused after typing into textarea in basecamp, hitting enter and not having it post my tweet
trying to understand this email message from a friend: "Cool Bernie if you can get over this afternoon Are you tuesday"
Saw form entitled "Opt-out email confirmation" text field: "enter email"; buttons: No, do NOT Unsubscribe me; Yes, Unsubscribe me. Egads.
@rocknorris I understand no renting when a movie first comes out to encourage purchases (higher revenue); but not selling HD seems insane.
Why can I rent an HD movie in iTunes, but not buy in HD? Why??
the entire house is in a state of chaos; having all windows/doors in the house replaced today and tomorrow. Loud.
turned on the old MacBook Pro today after reinstalling hard drive; working flawlessly (knock on wood); it was broken, I swear! now seems ok?
Whoa. Just got an email that Pownce is shutting down.
home, at last; great weekend with friends and family in Toronto; missed this morning's twitterbrunch, but will get there another time :)
finally, at the end of the day, managed to get my blue beanie avatar on Twitter.
at hotel in Toronto, back from late dinner with family; kids don't know it, but we brought their ice cream home in doggy-bag; also, cookies
in cab on way to the Edmonton airport, which doesn't seem to be in Edmonton. At all. Now heading YEG to YYZ and staying for the weekend.
Waiting for a cab on Jasper Ave seeing wifi network nformux
heading out to meetup with @jeffsmith at West Edmonton Mall and the Apple store to take advantage of the tax rates here in Alberta :)
@giggeyrob thinking I should have been in two places at the same time so I could have been at #to20
sent email to a prospective client from Jan 08; they went ahead with someone else and have a crap site; wondering if I syould tell them?
arrived in Edmonton; cold, tired. The guy on the plane spilled his tomato juice on me. I hate tomatoes, and tomato juice.
Now boarding YOW to YYZ to YEG; meetings in the morning and then hanging out in Edmonton with @jeffsmith and others for drinks/dinner


veen Chris Baum davegray Scott Fegette Jay Goldman peterme Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Gene Hillary Hartley David Crow Thomas Vander Wal Kevin Lawver Dan Cederholm Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Victor Lombardi Steve Ganz Larry Lachlan Hardy Maxine Sherrin Keith Kitta Kevin Cheng lisa Jeremy Keith MJ Tantek Çelik Hickensian Richard Rutter Patrick Haney Norm! Aaron Gustafson Pete Lambert Natalie Ben Ward
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