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@monkchips Yes, well, I liked your post on Asymmetric Follow. Greetings. And I agree that I'm generally boring (on Twitter, anyway).
@giagia Congratulations!
Searched google for "chimp": image results are hilarious and first site hit is something called Bush or Chimp:
@Joi beautiful Joi, thanks for sharing.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Enough TARP, we need Direct Unsecured Credit Transfer To Americans Purchasing Everything. DUCT TAPE always works.
I dreamt email didn't exist and all we had were cell phones, Twitter, and FedEx.
Who put in all these traffic lights today?
Just drove a Tesla. More acceleration than should be legal on public roads. Really.
@randyching Speaking of which, could you send me that email we looked at together?
@SorenG That would make Twitter more like email, which would be a major step back! I hate email. Too many people waiting for replies.
Why do so many people have to make left turns??
Up again before the rooster crows. Not sure why there's still a rooster next door.
My Mom saw me on my Piaggio scooter today and told me I need to put more fat on to cushion me in case I fall.
Country First, but a little internecine violence first: purging Palin critics: via @howardweaver
AP Essay: Suddenly, it may be cool to be an American again:
@jemimakiss You're welcome! Feels good to think about having more of the world cheering for us again.
@acarvin Good point, I'll be checking eBay for copies of the Trib tomorrow.
GOP: please introspect and repudiate base-pandering tactics of wedge politics. Palin politics made it a landslide.
It's morning in America again.


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