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Bugger. The day is very quickly disappearing... :(
Head-down working today in my cone-of-silence. Not planning on coming until tomorrow for #MobileMondayLondon.
@jamespearce suffering mild nausea induced by drivel from a hind-sight circle-jerk on Forum Oxford. I think they missed your point...
A phrase I never imagined saying: "my TV crashed..." - the EPG software is atrocious, both in stability and usability.
Any thoughts as to whether a computer (including mobile, consoles, etc) is a tool or a medium?
Watching @stephanierieger shake her N79 in a futile attempt to trigger the accelerometer in order to rotate her screen back to portrait mode
Anybody know when and where #tuttle brighton is happening today? #upstairsatgemini or #quadrant or ...?
@adamcohenrose thanks re - love your iPhone app btw!
@torgo found my old Sony Clie UX50 yesterday - complete with qwerty, wifi, Bluetooth and NetFront browser c.2002 - still not a bad device.
On train to London to look at flats. Forgot map book - FAIL. Have iPhone with maps and GPS FTW! ;)
Odd. iPhone SDK worked fine yesterday, but today it's telling me to re-install everything. I LOVE fickle software.
Any favourite mobile sites beyond Facebook, Twitter, etc? A few gems at but the list seems a bit dated.
The mobile web - info pipe ( or entertainment hose ( or both?
Noh-kee-ya - can I haz Python for S40 puh-leez? ;) kthxbai.
Re-reading Computers as Theatre by Brenda Laurel [pub.1991] - wonder if it'll still resonate with me today like it did in '91?
@andreatrasatti agreed - but in the meantime omitting access keys out of S60 browsers will lead to less confusion.
@dan_bowsher finding the site on iPhone a bit limited - everything feels squished into two-thirds of the screen. :(
Providing access keys was/is a good idea IF the device actually supports it - S60 browser doesn't and the experience suffers if provided.
@alidriver really enjoyed your presentation last night on rapid prototyping with Flash Lite for the latest version of trutap!
10 Worst Innovation Mistakes in a Recession -


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