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New Blog post: Right, another redesign
Memory Eternal to His All Holiness Patriarch Alexy II
And, Boom. That is new @viewzi hotness.
Oh yes internet, we are prepping new @viewzi hotness to drop on you
@merchenary Great. We have one child, a 3 year old boy and we currently live in Texas.
@merchenary Then there is a good chance you did. Bank One/Chase?
Ah, lunch and the second half of Jedi in HD via our DLP projector @viewzi
@joelbydesign Oh ho ho, maybe not in the deep south of Texas but up here in the Nort' we have enough water for a moat.
@merchenary Hmm, what state would this have been in?
hey look at that, author atom feeds in habari: feed://
@garyvee can you email me at the address I gave you the other day ( the CEO wants me to share something with you...
Thinking of buying a fort here in Texas. Should have decided what we are doing by the end of the month. Now, to research moats...
And just like that two more are added to the Habari cabal. Congtats Sean and Mike!
City of Blinding Lights is 1 badass song. Werd.
Oi, I must have eaten something that didn't agree with me. As brewdog would say I am having a grandy's buffet tonight. Sheesh.
Time toout the boy down, and then some more work from home. One of those days.
hacking on the re-invention of site search here @viewzi
Bah, that last tweet shouldn't have been directed @ pdupree. Silly twitter client.
@pdupree Let me be the first to say, whoo hoo! IT Crowd season 3 has started. Now just counting down the days to the Doctor Who Special.


Mr Messina Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Justine Mike Rundle Kitta Heilemann Hickensian Erik Garrett Murray Brett Elliff Patrick Haney Colin Devroe Safirul Alredha Simon Willison Phu Indranil Dasgupta luxuryluke Snook Jeff Smith Marko Mihelcic Dan Rubin Derek Robert Scoble Ryan Carson Chris Fehnel Mike Stickel Matt Davey Jennifer Ledbetter Shawn Grimes David Velez Liam Burke matthew giovanni Jeff Croft Greg Storey