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Have to find a way to broadcast an announcement to remote employees. Is seesmic the right way? We're looking for a 10 minute public stream.
I am performing tonight at SpeakeasyDC.
three drink lindy hop / like a frog in your pocket / grinning little boy
grim nod as you pass / spit smacks flat on the sidewalk / keep going, going
After much rumination, I have decided to embrace Twitter... after a fashion. I hope you like bad implementations of Japanese poetic forms.
@tiffany Have you tried eMusic? They should have Ronson and Toy Guns there, at least. Plus, if you break it down, it works out to be abo ...
@ddmcd Try Yahoo Pipes Dennis.
Anyone have recommendations for a good lunch spot in Bethesda for 6 people? Price point between $20-$30 per person.
The funny thing about putting together Ikea furniture: the first half-hour you feel like an idiot, but by the end, you're a friggin' genius.
Happy Ask a Stupid Question Day!
Listening to matt pond PA's new CD: Anyone want to go to the concert Monday night at the 9:30 Club? Email me.
Oh, and I am also mousing left-handed to see if that works for me too. It's supposed to increase left-brain/right-brain coordination
I'm gonna try this twitter thing for a week and see how it works.
I am almost through the first of four boxes of Cheerios underneath my desk.
Recovering from BarCamp and cleaning my house.
Headed to see Kris play with Jette Kelly at the Rock and Roll Hotel.
Watching Day Break on


Dennis D. McDonald Justin Thorp paul Will Meyer Nick O'Neill Leslie Bradshaw Tiffany Bridge Clyde Wright Th. 'cmdln' Gideon Peter Corbett  Tori LaChapelle Rana June Sobhany Jared Goralnick nkreps