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I wish i took an illustrator class at one time in my life.
@VBrown LOL better break out your skateboards!! Will be faster than driving ;-)
Rain Rain Go Away!! (Note to Self: So why did you move to Seattle again?)
Little Spirit of Seattle Video
Dam you GIMP!! I hate your interface with a passion!!! PS FTW!!
Heading to Target for some stuff. Not sure what but the wifey has a list.
@VBrown yeah people put salt on all kinds of fruit. Not a fan at all!
Retiring @almostageek as of today. An era has ended and new one will be beginning (^_^) (Plus it's less to type)
"Cooking with Dog" Youtube cooking show
doing a little YouTube surfing. Looking for some cool videos and producers
bought 2 used CD's yesterday. Peter Tosh and ACDC live. Yeah my music taste is all over the place.
I think it's just about time to retire @AlmostaGeek , kind of sick of the name already.
I love listening to "Bloggers" talk about blogging just for bloggers sake at Gnomedex
Clone Wars was pretty good imho! 8.5 out of 10 if you are a Star Wars fan like i am.
about to watch clone wars. review to follow :-)
dam you godaddy for making me register all these cool domain names
doesn't look like you can loop the video though
Oh cool you can add a youtube video as an overlay Check it out!!
Wow this is cool!! Saves you from having to use any secondary applications for most situations


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams danah boyd Mr Messina Scott Beale Jason Calacanis Stewart Butterfield Justine Shauna Michael Bailey Veronica Belmont Zadi Diaz Emily Chang Kevin Cheng Stuart Nicole Lee Robert Scoble Ryan Sam Harrelson Burt Lum melody christa wittmier malia Jason G. Jennifer Eno Ozawa scrivener Champuru Kent Brett Nordquist Damon C Seamus Lavery Chris Cochran Tom Merritt BBC Technology Bwana
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