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Working on a Magento site for a buddy. Magento rocks by the way.
@JamesLumb I was a RoR fan for a while... Then I needed to host it somewhere. Its great, but AppEngine is just so much easier. For me anyway <--- The. Storm. Sucks.
@JamesLumb I'm LOVING learning more Python, and AppEngine seems fine. Unless you need more advanced server stuff.
Playing with Python and AppEngine on my newest little website idea. I'll tell you more when its closer to being done.
@THErealDVORAK If you want some free web design done, I'll do it. I need a little project on the side. Let me know.
Emily's getting on the plane from Denver, heading home. I keep getting drunken emails. Wino.
Flashing my wrt54g router with Tomato tonight. DD-WRT just didn't do it for me. The UI was clunky as all hell.
Good to see that my site, PownceMeme, is still working, even though Pownce isn't --->
@nickdawson Oh darn, i hadn't even thought about PownceMeme. Ha ha. Oh well, it was a great learning experience for me. <--- Both happy... and sad... that Pownce is dying.
Watching Frasier and relaxing on the couch. Loving life.
Awwwwww yeah. The new '24' is on. Sweet!
Emily wanted a BlackBerry Storm. After 4 hours of crap UI, she didn't want it any more.
@johnfoster if your toothbrush hurts, you're buying too hard of one, or brushing too hard. I would recommend an electric brush.
Watching Sphere. Pretty good 'ol flick.
Yup. CNN f'ing rocks at crazy effects and holograms. Very nice work people.
@moldor $325 US. You interested?
Anyone want to buy a very well cared for Nikon D50. I'll even throw in a kit lens or two?
Cleaning out my desk today. Last day at my current job.


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