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doing some errands and such before the SEC and Big 12 Championship Games.
I wonder how one starts out as a "shipping magnate." Buying ships would seemingly be a pretty big upfront investment
I have hiccups ... how annoying
does anyone that watches CNBC actually buy the "Computer Professor's" how to buy/sell on eBay CD? Those ads are *always* on
OJ Simpson a trending topic on Twitter search ... Glad it was just his jail sentence and dude didn't do anything else insane
iPhone apps have now been downloaded more than 300,000,000x -
NHL suspends Sean Avery 6 games?!? That seems like a bit much ... you get less for violently injuring someone or taking drugs
playing with our Google Friend Connect gadget ... it's neat, sorta like MyBlogLog Communities to see what sites ppl like w/ built-in buddies
I am so mad right now. Netgear blames problem on ISP, now I can't even connect being hardwired into modem. ISP customer service closed
@laurencook lol, I saw that yesterday ... glad it's making the rounds and being appropriately classified
ok probably the biggest change in Google Reader is just that it looks human ... the sharing setting I thought was there doesn't appear to be
whoa, google reader just changed!
Google Friend Connect is now live ... Facebook Connect lifts embargo and is live 1 min later ... details of both on
protesters storm the auto-maker bailout cheering "the bailout is a sellout" ... what a disaster
there's a new Android-powered handset on the market ... Kogan Agora. No contract required. I like -
whoa Mashable has its own special holiday logo, sweet!
going to sleep before it's too late to even bother
Victoria's Secret Fashion Show ... I hate you Usher ... in an insanely jealous wish I were you kind of way
here's the mobile coupon site I was talking about ... interesting biz idea though the execution isn't great -
@joanikin congrats ... are you saying there is a correlation between the two though?


Chris Wetherell Wayne Sutton Ross Beau Dave McClure Brad Davis Seal Keith Kamisugi Paul Thrasher Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Martin Hall michael lambie tommy payne Scott Beale Elliott Kosmicki Luciano E. Guerche (jeff)isageek Brett Petersel Chris Prakoso Randy Dave Morin Jason Calacanis Carlos Granier George Brett Elliott Ng Manuel Kingsley Joseph mdy Richard Hemmer Lisa McMillan Jennifer Woodard M Ben Borges Sam Gonzales Cyberfrancis David Parmet Roald
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